Anonymous attacks Golden Dawn NY’s website

Hackers respond fast to news of the Greek neo-Nazi group’s New York chapter


After news broke Monday that Greek neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn had opened up an office in New York to garner expat support, it did not take long for Anonymous hackers to get to work bringing down its communications systems.

The Twitter account, @YourAnonNews, often used to make announcements for the hacker collective, first publicly posted the phone number connected to the fascist group’s Queens-based office and invited followers to “give them a warm welcome to the neighborhood.”

A follow up tweet asserted, in characteristically playful parlance, that the hackers had disabled Golden Dawn’s New York chapter website:

Indeed, emails from Salon readers following up on our Monday story about the office’s opening confirm that Golden Dawn’s website was temporarily down. As of this writing, the site is once again running, but is missing much of the content available before the reported hack.

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